Time 2020 to 2021 Same story-different year It is ALL about the masks

Time 2020 to 2021 Same story-different year
It is ALL about the masks

I don’t know about your family but we literally have masks everywhere. And I mean absolutely everywhere. In the laundry room and kitchen and backpacks in jacket pockets In ballet bags And always always in cars. Along with ASD my daughter has significant anxiety. Because of that she is completely paranoid and rightfully so about Covid and the challenges it brings. Of course it does not help that my husband is a dentist and she thinks his job is totally “icky”. Yet and still she understands that he has a front line worker and helps many people on a daily basis. So now here we are with a vaccine on the horizon and that brings a lot of respite to everyone. But the honest truth is that we still have a long way to go with this virus and we still have our obligation to do our part to wear masks. It’s important because we’re protecting each other and we’re thinking about her most vulnerable like my daughter it’s important for them to know if there’s a process in place to try to mitigate the risk. My daughter knows that I cannot definitively say We are all safe because of The vaccination but it is important for her to know that there’s progress. It decreases her anxiety when she knows that there’s an end in sight and that she can try to go to school that she can interact with peers for the opportunity arrives. And then she can see her grandmother without fear. It would be nice to say that we are done with this time period of our lives but we’re actually at the crux of it.

Many educators who are special-needs specialist left the field in 2020 because they couldn’t guarantee that the children cared for would be safe or that they will be safe. Our family is a benefactor of one of those special-needs angels who even in return so she had to get back. We need to get her educators back to work so that we can provide respite for families who sincerely need it.

I have found that if you don’t have a love when your life who is vulnerable you’re living in a total different COVID space . Many not of ever known anyone who contracted Covid so you don’t know the challenges it brings. You may not have someone that you have to support every day with regular challenges so you may not know what it takes to avoid this most fearful virus.

I’m saying honestly as a parent all other issues aside the way I look at my daughter and I understand the vulnerabilities that she’s had in the past and grateful that she knows the protocol to put on a mask. She understands she’s protecting yourself and others. Unless she knows if there’s an end Because we are committed as a community of doing our part. It’s all about the masks.

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Kimberly G. Jackson

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