WOW- 20 years strong!
This week was a Seminole moment for me. It is the 20th anniversary of my graduation from Stetson University College of Law. I remember the time like it was yesterday. I was a new mother. My daughter was actually about eight months old when I entered Stetson period at the time there was not strong communication, social media or even emails! They were certainly no part time program. I don’t know how I got through to this day. But I do know that there were so many people who supported me on my journey. It was insane really. I took my daughter to daycare or sometimes to campus or sometimes to professors who were kind enough to sit in an office with a baby. I didn’t sleep at all. I managed to graduate early probably because I didn’t have a life! And all the while I did Moot Court Trial Team and enjoyed the experience immensely.
Sincere thanks to our Legal community for setting an exemplary example of what it means to be a member of the Florida Bar.
20 years went by fast!