This is my last week home as an empty nestor for the Winter Quarter. I must admit I have been Missing In Action (MIA). So often parents on the Spectrum are scheduled from the start of the day to the end of the day that it is strange when you have a moment to breathe. I truly did not know what to do with my time initially but overtime I gradually let go. Everyday I did something I wanted to do-which was frolic and rest! This week however I realized it was time to check back in with my colleagues and friends.
One of my dear friends leads the St. Petersburg Bar Association. I made a promise to come support her this year whenever I could. So I went and I am so grateful I did. The room was filled with OLD friends. Friends who witnessed my journey as a parent with a child on a spectrum. Friends who encourage me to keep going, to lean on them and who checked on me. I felt pure LOVE. Parents caring for loved ones on the spectrum need support. Of course everyone does but when you are in a space of being a constant caregiver it can take a toll. Having people who know you and want to walk with you helps you weather those tough times. That is what FRIENDS are for!