The journey never really ends but you fool yourself into thinking it does. Last year our daughter went to college. We prepped and prepped and prepped but we could not adequately prep for “mean” and/or “intolerant” people. Unfortunately our daughter had to experience that on her own and figure out how to address people like this.
We thought our daughter was doing well- and she was in a sense but she had so many challenges advocating for herself. She did her part but was not met halfway. Of course persons on the Autism Spectrum often have significant challenges communicating-so to ask them to speak up for themselves is unrealistic. They find their voice but not always timely.
Our daughter could not tell us the magnitude of her challenges until we brought her home. Then we learned through many doctor’s visits the magnitude of her anxiety and the micro aggression she experienced. It was hard to process. So we did not know if she should go back to school. But-our daughter’s superpower is RESILIENCE! She decided to go back to school and face her challenges. #PROUD!