I asked a colleague how she was doing after quite a rough week and she responded Better. I immediately thought that is what we are all striving for right-To be better. As a caregiver of a child with ASD I am fully aware of the importance of mental fragility. There are some days that I just can’t explain how I feel to others-despite trying REALLY hard.
Like most people when you speak with others and you have the opportunity to share you often don’t want to share the challenges of your life nor do you want to consume those of others. It is human nature to protect yourself but that’s not always healthy.
Moving from a Covid isolated environment to a moderate Covid face-to-face environment objectively escalates stress for many. I am extremely grateful that our family is finally settling into a new routine and as my friend noted it’s not so bad.
Every day is a refreshed opportunity to feel better. When you feel stuck know that you’re not alone and that there are many people who share your space. I wrote an article for the Catalyst in my work capacity on mental health and I hope the resources noted in the article help families like ours.
Feel better!