Cheers to a good life!

Cheers to a good life!

My husband’s aunt Orpah is 102 years old. You would never know that either by looking at her or speaking with her. In fact every year I am amazed at how much better she appears.

TRULY in all ways.
Her skin
Her hair
Her humor
Her attitude.
She is simply a pleasure to be around.

As we begin to end this year and reflect on the importance of life-it is necessary to reflect on who has impacted our life and why THEY matter. I cannot imagine how many changes she has undergone. So many different worlds in “10” decades of living. How did she navigate new experiences every time-with wonder and excitement!

Our dear Aunt Orpah is a shining example of joy and what it means to travel on a long and beautiful journey.

Cheers to a good life!

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Kimberly G. Jackson

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