Quicksand or Quiet Blessing

Quicksand or Quiet Blessing

Earlier this month I had a podcast with Autism Shifts with Vicky Westra. I was reminded of how far we have come and also how much more we have to achieve. Many moms called me after to thank me for my transparency and for sharing the joys and challenges associated with raising a child on the spectrum. One mom in particular touched my spirit to share again why you were specially selected to raise your Aspy child.
Not everyone has the strength, fortitude, generous spirit, integrity, charity and unlimited love to shepherd a child on the spectrum. Know-for whatever reason you were selected for this task. There are beyond times when you will feel overwhelmed and sometimes hopeless. Then, there are days when you do not recognize who you were before you had your child and are grateful to SEE through there eyes. Take one breath at a time and know you are NOT alone. I will not tell you you do not feel alone, I am firmly saying you are not alone. If you have not checked in with a family member or friend -do so. If you have not been honest with yourself about respite, re-group and find the time to care for your spirit. Rely on the many talented therapists who dedicate themselves to our kids. Keep educating yourself! Learning is an ongoing journey and you have the pleasure of learning something new each day about the importance of humanity.


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Kimberly G. Jackson

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